mio commento all'episodio qui
In response, the interview was not broadcast live but was pre-recorded and that there was a voiceover. It was arranged with the permission of the local governor's office in Afghanistan, which currently has protective custody of the girl. Also, we strictly kept to the BBC Guidelines in relation to working with children
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/aboutthebbc/insidethebbc/howwework/policiesandguidelines/child_protection.html). In this context, we deliberately revealed no details about the girl’s location other than the city where she is being cared for. We only gave her first name and believe that we handled the interview sensitively (it was pre-recorded for that reason). During the interview, a duty officer from the care centre where she is staying was present with the girl.
Throughout, the team on the ground we were in discussion with BBC Editorial Policy to ensure that they did not contravene BBC guidelines.
Finally, the nationality of the girl had no bearing on our decision to interview the girl.