- Immigration: across the 14 countries, the public think immigration is over twice the actual level – the average guess is that 24% of the population was born abroad, when the actual figure is 11%. This includes some massive overestimates: the US public think 32% of the population are immigrants when the actual is 13%; in Italy the public think 30% are immigrants when it's actually 7%; and in Belgium the public think it's 29% when it's actually 10%.
Un blog dedicato ai fatti di Lorenzo Tiezzi, un blog quindi senz'altro interessantissimo Se invece stai cercando i comunicati stampa di Lorenzo Tiezzi, li trovi su www.lorenzotiezzicomunicazione.blogspot.com Il sito dell'agenzia è invece www.lorenzotiezzi.it Qui, insomma, trovi solo pensieri... Poca roba.
la nostra assoluta ignoranza sull'immigrazione (e su mille altre cose)